Tile Insulation Backer Board

Aberdeen Tile are stockists of Jackoboard. This is an excellent construction board for use in the design of custom floor, wall and furnishing applications. It is easy to work with; is water repellent; isthermally insulating and your tiles can be installed directly to its surface. In addition, it can be rendered or plastered in areas that are not to be tiled. The board is available in a range of options giving you freedom of design regardless of the size of the area involved in your project.

For more details please contact us by telephone or by completing the contact form at the bottom of the page


Contact Us

Aberdeen Tile
56 Virginia Street
AB11 5AY

Tel: 01224 582 332 (All telephone conversations are recorded)
Email: info@aberdeentile.co.uk


Opening Times

Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm
Sat - 10am - 4pm



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